O'Hara's House | Prepper Stash | Far Cry 5 - Camzillasmom - Game Guides for Far Cry 5

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O'Hara's House | Prepper Stash | Far Cry 5

Far Cry 5 > Prepper Stash Locations and Walkthroughs

Stash Mission Start:

There is a note at O'Hara's House close to the Henbane River Rail Bridge.

First objective is to turn the power on. Go to the back of the blue house with the power and climb up the roof. From here you can get to the wooden platform into the first floor of the house.

Switch on the power and enter the haunted barn.

Go through the scary corridors until you reach the end. There you can climb up the green rope to the stash. There are also 3 perk magazines.

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